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Explore our Hawai'i related research materials, the JCCH's Resource Center collection, and more.

Our shared core values passed through generations that our ancestors, the Issei pioneers, brought with them from Japan.
From taking that first hesitant step off a boat's wooden plank onto a foreign land to having your country patriotism questioned after the bombing of Pearl Harbor - experience the multi-generational history of the Japanese in Hawai'i.
Watch Rena Gao, a Shin-Issei that grew up in Honolulu, as she chats with Locals in our video series, Wakame 若目.
Learn about the unique wartime experience of Japanese Americans in Hawai‘i.
Download and use the JCCH's standards-based curriculum for Modern History of Hawai‘i, Participation in Democracy and United States History.
People having a discussion at the Tokioka Heritage Resource Center
The Resource Center provides public access to a repository of resources that help fulfill the JCCH’s mission to educate present and future generations in the evolving Japanese American experience in Hawai‘i.
Jane Yonamine, Musashimaru, and Konishiki
Jane Yonamine was a trailblazing business owner in Tokyo. Her company, Jane's Pearls, serviced many celebrities and athletes with the Spirit of Aloha in Tokyo. Read more on Jane Yonamine here.
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